
We hope you will enjoy this, our twenty-sixth issue, March/April 2025.

We continue to be grateful for the interest, support and quality of the work that has been submitted thus far – from novices to experienced haiku poets. Truly appreciated. And we are very proud that we have published work from the range of this spectrum. We thank everyone who has continued to support our efforts.  

We are also most grateful for the haiga/endpieces as well as the sidebars that have graced our pages. Again, from novices to accomplished writers, artists and photographers – the work has appreciably added to the quality and tone of the journal.

True to its name, tsuri-dōrō seeks to be “a small journal of haiku and senryū” – not an elitist journal by any means, but one that is readable and accessible without being overwhelming.

PLEASE NOTE: We will be accepting submissions for the July/Aug. 2025 Issue #28 from May 1st, 2025 through May 10th, 2025. 

1. Submit ALL original poetry and artwork via email to:
– Poetry in the body of the email.
– Sidebar and Endpieces as attachments.

2. Haiku/Senryū:
– Please submit no more than five (5) pieces of unpublished work at a time.
– tsuridoro defines “unpublished” as not having appeared in any book, journal, self-published chapbook, sequence, part of a haibun or part of a haiga, blog – either in print or online – and not having appeared on any social media site, whether self-published or not, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
– No simultaneous submissions please.
– Please submit all poetry work in the body of the email; NO attachments please.
– Please put author’s name and submission date, (in international date format – yyyy-mmdd), in the Subj. Line – making sure that the author’s name is the name the piece should be attributed to.
Subj. Line: Jane Doe – Submission of 2024-0104

3. Endpiece:
– We accept original, unpublished submissions of haiga OR art for consideration as the issue endpiece.
– We ask that haiga/endpiece submissions be submitted AS attachments please.
– Where the art and poem are by two different people, indicate clearly each attribution.
– The inclusion of an “issue endpiece” came about organically and unplanned as the first two issues featured haiga as endpieces that were not part of the original layout.

4. Sidebar:
– We accept original, unpublished submissions of photography or art for consideration as the issue sidebar.
– We ask that sidebar submissions be submitted AS attachments please.

5. Publication and Submission Schedule
We will be publishing six online issues a year: Jan/Feb; March/April; May/June; July/Aug; Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec. 

IssueSubmissions OpenSubmissions ClosePublication Date
Jan/FebNov. 1stNov. 10thJan. 1st 
March/April Jan. 1stJan. 10thMarch 1st
May/June March 1stMarch 10thMay 1st 
July/Aug May 1stMay 10thJuly 1st 
Sept/Oct July 1stJuly 10thSept. 1st 
Nov/Dec Sept. 1stSept. 10thNov. 1st 

We will try to respond to ALL submissions within a few weeks’ time.

True to our word on this page for the past four years – “Print remains, though, our favorite medium” – we are very happy to announce the birth of tsuri-dōrō Press this past spring of 2024!  Our very first chapbook street beat: Haiku and Senryū from the pages of tsuri-dōrō has “gone to press” and is available on most of the Amazon websites.

Please check our tsuri-dōrō Press page for further info.

Contact Info:
Please contact us with any thoughts or questions at:
Tony Pupello, Editor